Monday, October 28, 2013


It's a new week! I am still trying to remain healthy, with a few cheats here and there, but I don't ever, ever plan to be the weight I use to be. I still have about 13 pounds to get to my 1st goal. It's been a long process but I plan to stick it out.

Any who, I want to lose weight and I want to get vacation ready!(later post) This week I decided to go meatless. This is going to be sooooo hard!  I love meat! We do a lot of chicken and turkey. Occasionally, we will have beef. I mostly do beef because I am anemic and when I was going "through"  the doctor wanted me to eat beef at least 3x a week. But now, I don't eat that much beef.  And Pork, well, every now and then I need to have me a pork chop sandwich or a chopped bbq sandwich. But trust me, those days are very far apart!

I am hoping the no meat will help take off some pounds this week. Praying!! 

Today I did very well! I did mess up and had a handful of chips and a handful of candy corn. Trying to lay off the sweets too! But I will give myself a pat on the back with not having the delicious baked chicken that I made for Sunday dinner yesterday. Plus, when I came in from work, my mother saved me two wings to go with my dinner. I said, Nope! No meat for me! She was shocked. I tried to get her to join me when I told her what I was thinking about yesterday while we were cooking but she said, Uhhh, all week? She maybe I will do two or three nights. lol  I will take that! It's a process but I am sticking to it!

Stay tuned!

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Today I went back to the dr for lab work and  for her my blood pressure to be checked. Of course, the higher dosage of water pill keeps me in the bathroom. Oh Great! Believe me it is definitely working!!! Well, I began taking the pill last week when she gave me the prescription. She wanted to see if my pressure would come down from the water pill instead of increasing the blood pressure pill. 

I arrive at the dr and of course my pressure is 132/96. Huh??  Can't be... The top number decreased and the bottom number went up 2 points. I am really confused. Since I had lad work done, I am going to wait until next week to find out my results and then I can talk to her about my blood pressure. I thought maybe the medicine wasn't in my system long enough. I shall keep you posted. I had some blood work to figure out my allergies. I am trying to eliminate as much intake of medicine as possible. Hopefully, there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel!       

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Tuesday I had a dr appointment.  This appointment was with my general practitioner. I FINALLY found one that I liked, so I am sticking with her. Actually, the last time I went to see my Oncologist my blood pressure was higher than it normally is. I know I have stated this over and over but every time I go to the dr my pressure is ALWAYS high. Not extremely high, but not where it should be.(142/94) That's not good! The nurse told me that I should check with my doctor because maybe they need to increase my high blood pressure medicine. Ugghh...I'm trying to get off the medicine NOT increase it!

She told me that she would not increase the blood pressure meds but she would increase my water pill. I hope and pray that works! I hate taking medicine. I have been trying to eat better and continuing to lose weight. Next Thursday she is going to do labs and to check the things out that the oncologist doesn't look at.

Oh yea...hate needles too!   wish me luck!! 

Monday, October 7, 2013


Last Thursday was the new season of Scandal. Yaaaaay!!!  Well, from previous post you know that I caught up on season 1 and 2 when I was in ATL in August. Then, my mother wanted to jump on the Gladiator fix so I ordered the seasons so my mom could catch up too. So I got a double dose, Anyway, I LOVE the way they dress Kerry Washington. I know that they dress her a lot in white but last nights outfit......FIRE!!!! 

Last Thursday"Liv" had on a fierce white trench coat. OMGGGGG!!!! It was bad. Of course that was the talk all over my Facebook news feed. It looks like the coat is from Burberry costing $1500.00.  HUH?
Yes, for a coat! Well, I love the coat but not that much. The coat had so many views and likes that its currently sold out.

Before I saw her coat, I decided that I was going to look for a white coat for the winter months. Even though here in the SC it doesn't get that cold but those early mornings when I go to church I will need a coat. So I am on the hunt for a white coat! But here is "Liv's" coat!


Thursday, October 3, 2013